The Silver Lining Book Tour
At long last, The Silver Lining is being published next week! As a result, I am hitting the road, beginning in New York and moving on to Philadelphia, Nashville, and Phoenix. In April, I’ll be in Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco. In May, I’ll be in Charlotte and Dallas. Tired yet?!? My oh my. I’m actually feeling super excited about the opportunity to meet so many of you and to share the book that, I hope, will be a source of support, information and companionship for everyone whose life is impacted by FBC. So, please come visit when you can! In the meantime, here are some photos and some cool stuff that I feel so blessed to have been a part of:
O Magazine picked The Silver Lining as a Top 10 Book for April! On Newstands now.
Taping The Doctors which will air on Monday, March 17th. Was SO FUN!!!
Dr. Phil will air on Monday March 17th! Oh my goodness, he was so kind and warm and wonderful!!!
Chatting with Sandra Mitchell at KCAL in Los Angeles. Here is the interview:
Santa Barbara News-Press
There sure are some MAJOR Silver Linings happening around here! Hope to see you all soon!
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